Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Super 8" Is Really Not That Super. It's fun but overhyped.

Not sure if it's just me or what but everyone seems to be raving over Super 8. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it but I just didn't think it was THAT good. Lots of illogical moments and you don't see the "thing" till towards the end but it's an enjoyable romp that is reminiscent of all those 80's movies you loved, ET, Goonies, etc The difference between them and this is that it almost seemed like two separate movies, the one about the kids making their film and the govt tracking down their lost cargo. The kids should have had more interaction right from the beginning not the last reel. But I digress...Spielberg I thought had his signature all over this and it shows. That's not a bad thing but I'm just sayin'. Anyway, I'm sure it will clean up at the box office I was just a tad disappointed myself.

What did you think?

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